S1 E25 Hurting People Hurt People

S1 E25 Hurting People Hurt People

Amanda reflects on the different chapters of her life as a mother and the upcoming transition as her son graduates and goes to college. She discusses the importance of acceptance and living as her future self. Amanda also explores the impact of labels and the need to release relationships that don't align with her growth. She shares insights from her work as a coach, particularly with individuals struggling with addiction and the consequences of societal labels. Finally, Amanda offers strategies for handling difficult situations and responding to negativity with calm and rationality.

motherhood, chapters of life, acceptance, future self, labels, releasing relationships, addiction, societal labels, handling difficult situations, responding to negativity

  • Reflecting on the different chapters of our lives can bring acceptance and appreciation for the journey.
  • Living as our future selves allows us to embrace growth and change.
  • Labels are temporary and should not define individuals or limit their potential.
  • Releasing relationships that don't align with our growth is necessary for personal development.
  • Societal labels can have long-lasting consequences and hinder individuals' ability to move forward.
  • Handling difficult situations with calm and rationality can lead to more positive outcomes.
  • Responding to negativity by repeating back and asking for intentions can diffuse tension and promote understanding.
  • Hurt people often hurt others, and understanding this can help foster empathy and compassion.

Sound Bites

  • "I've been a mom for almost 18 years now."
  • "The first five years are a chapter. And then we had Logan. That would be chapter two."
  • "If I hold on too tightly to what it is, what has been our life, that I won't be able to fully enjoy this next chapter."

The Different Chapters of Motherhood
Living as Our Future Selves
The Impact of Labels
Releasing Relationships for Growth
The Consequences of Societal Labels
Handling Difficult Situations with Calm