Olivia Farrelly

Olivia Farrelly


Olivia Farrelly is a Grey Area Drinker from Ireland who has been alcohol free since 2018. Olivia credits removing alcohol as the single most transformational change she has ever made. Since giving up alcohol, Olivia has experienced more joy, energy, vitality, clarity, self-compassion and motivation than ever before. She is passionate about helping others access these inherent qualities by making ONE CHANGE- REMOVING ALCOHOL. She holds an MSc in Health Psychology and a Diploma in Alcohol Studies. She uses both her education and experience as a problematic drinker, to empower others to untangle from the grip alcohol has on our culture. She approaches alcohol use from the point of view of overall health and encourages the use of meditation, affirmations, journaling, reading and gut healing to help people live a deep fulfilling and joy-soaked life completely alcohol free.