


Anne knew from the moment she drank alcohol at 15 it was a problem. She was introduced to alcohol and addiction as a child because her Father struggled with addiction her whole life until he went to prison. Anne started drinking out of curiosity then it progressed into a weekly habit during her college years. Like so many in college… alcohol gripped her and she started using it to cope with unprocessed trauma, depression, social anxiety and a way to fit in. After becoming a mother and processing trauma through therapy she realized alcohol was robbing her life. She had a deep awareness/awakening that this liquid would not satisfy her. It was no longer fun. It was exhausting. The hamster wheel of guilt and shame had to stop. When Anne turned 35 she woke up from the lie that alcohol “helped” and realized it was a LIE. Now.. almost a year and a half into sobriety she has a deep passion to help others stuck in the cycle. She created a Instagram sober page called -The Bright Eyed Sober Girl- It’s a tribute to her late Father who battled addiction for years but found redemption in the walls of prison. Anne wants others to know change is possible and there is hope. She wants people to realize they are not their past. She is cheering for you always and feels like going alcohol free is a privilege and not a punishment. Listen in to hear her heart.